1. Yang Liu Kuan Yin, who holds a willow branch,symbol of her healing powers. Her willow branch drips with sweet dew.
2. Long Tou Kuan Yin with the dragon, symbol of Kuan Yin's Power.
3. Chi Jing Kuan Yin holdng the Prajnaparamita sutra, symbol of her perfection of Wisdom
4. Yuan Guang Kuan Yin of wholesome light symbolizing the vast Wholeness of Light that banishes all darkness and shadows.
5. Yu Xi Kuan Yin the playful Kuan Yin ever happy, laughing, smiling. playful, lighthearted aspect.
6. Bai Yi Kuan in the white-robed Kuan Yin symbolizing her purity.
7. Lian Wo Kuan Yin, sitting on a lotus leaf symbolizing she is enthroned and having dominion over the chakras.
8. Long Jian Kuan Yin, who views waterfalls or swift water symbolizing she is the Goddess of Energy flow, and the Waterfall of Light and Blessing coming down from Above.
9. Shi Yao Kuan Yin, who gives medicines - she is the Bestower of all Healing, Remedies, Cures at all levels.
10. Yu Lan Kuan Yin, with the fish basket, signifying Abundance, Prosperity, Fertility, as well as Community, Friendship, Marriage, the Auspicious Symbol of the Double Fishes, also all of this through Mastery of Water and Emotion.
11. De Wang Kuan Yin the Queen of Merit or Virtue.
12. Shui Yue Kuan Yin of moon and water - Mastery of emotion , the Water element; dominion over images and appearances or reflections.
13. Yi Ye Kuan Yin of the one leaf - attaining the Whole, through one part of the whole,because every part has the whole contained in it.
14. Qing Jing Kuan Yin, blue throat Kuan Yin for pacifying all poisons-mental, emotional, physical.
15. We De Kuan Yin powerful and virtuous Kuan Yin
16. Yan Ming Kuan Yin, who bestows longevity-extending not only quantitiy but quality of Life and Life force.
17. Zhong Bao Kuan Yin bring treasures of very kind, including hidden treasures of Teachings and Blessings
18. Yan Hu Kuan Yin of the rock cave - this is the Secret Chamber, the cave of subconscious and unsubconscious, which Kuan Yin has dominion over.
19. Ning Jing Kuan Yin calming Kuan Yin bringing harmony, peace of body, mind and soul, helping to overcome anger.
20. A Nou Kuan Yin, shows Kuan Yin seated on a rock looking out over the sea to find beings in distress.
21. A Mo Kuan Yin as an emanation of Buddha Amoghasiddhi, one of the five Dyani Buddhas symbolizing fearlessness.
22. Ye Yi Kuan Yin, leaf robed Kuan Yin a healing and nurturing form.
23. Liu Li Kuan Yin lapis lazuli Kuan Yin - lapis is the color of healing and long life, signiflying the Healing Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
24. Do Lo Kuan Yin emanating as the form of Tara, the swift liberator.
25. Ge Li Kuan Yin of the clam signifies Kuan power to open or shut all closed and unmoving situations, people and energies, worker of miracles.
26. Liu Shi Kuan Yin of six hours symbolizing the ancient Chinese "clock" which was divided into 3 periods of six hours. This signifies her mastery of time, so Kuan Yin protects throughout the day and night.
27. Pu Bei Kuan Yin universally compassionate Kuan Yin
28. Ma Lung Kuan Yin the wife of Ma Lung based on a legend.
29. He Jang Kuan Yin with palms joined in prayer, symbolizing harmony and goodwill with others.
30. Yi Ru Kuan Yin of Oneness in all ways signiflying wholeness, integration of oneself with Kuan Yin. In this form, she stands on a Cloud and has mastery over all Energy.
31. Bu Er Kuan Yin, the non-dual Kuan Yin not separate or divided or fractured from Oneself or from Kuan Yin.
32. Chi Lian Kuan Yin, who holds the lotus symbol of mastery of the chakras
33. Sa Shui Kuan Yin of pure water signifying pure liquid Light and Nectar
White Lotus

- White Lotus
- Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
- I wished to dedicate this blog to all sentient beings. At the same time, it is my intention to share my humble knowledge of the Buddha Dharmma with all. Upon reading these articles, may all sentient beings acquire some spiritual wisdom. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Yours in the Dharmma, White Lotus
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