"Faith is the source of the Way,
Faith is the mother of merit and virtue,
As they arise by faith,
All wholesome dharmas must by faith be nutured.
Faith cuts the tangled web of doubt,
Escaping loves delusive flow,
And opens wide to reveal the true and unsurpassed nirvana's road.
"Faith has no stain or mar,
Bringing the turbid mind purification,
Eradicating pride,
Of all respect and reverence the foundation.
Within the Dharma Treasury
Faith jewel outshines the fairest gold;
Hence every conduct our hands by faith are made pure.
Receive and surely hold.
"Faith is the healing source
By which our faculities are cleansed and quickened.
Nothing can turn its force.
The solid power of faith cannot be broken.
And when my faith forever
From all afflicition we depart,
The Buddha's merit will thus become the sole devotion of our hearts.
"With faith the mind's unmoved.
Free from attachment to condition arising;
Disasters far removed,
In the tranquility of faith abiding.
The bliss of faith victorious!
Among the conducts of all the worlds,
This faith alone is the one most rare and precious wish-fulfilling pearl.
"Profoundly we believe:
Trusting the Buddhas and the Buddhas' Dhamma,
Treading the Bodhi Path,
Forever followed by all true disiciples.
And to the Great Enlightenment
Our thoughts are joyfully inclined:
The Bodhisattva with this deep heart of faith produce the Bodhi Mind!"
Master Hsuan Hua
The City of Ten Thousand Buddha's handbook
Verse 235
White Lotus

- White Lotus
- Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
- I wished to dedicate this blog to all sentient beings. At the same time, it is my intention to share my humble knowledge of the Buddha Dharmma with all. Upon reading these articles, may all sentient beings acquire some spiritual wisdom. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Yours in the Dharmma, White Lotus
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