Dependent Origination is an important concept and doctrine that holds all schools of Buddhism together. There are altogether twelve links in the chain of dependent origination. It is the teachings on how things come to being and cease to exist in Buddhism. The doctrine teaches that no beings or actions exist independently of other beings and actions.
The Twelve Links shows how Dependent Origination works. Please note that there is no first link. The numbering could begin anywhere. Although they are described in a orderly numbered way, in fact each link is connnected to all the other links.
1. Ignorance (Avijja)
Not knowing suffering, not knowing the origin of suffering, not knowing the cessation of suffering,not knowing the way of practice leading to the cessation of suffering. This is called ignorance. Ignorance is represented by the blind man in the picture above.
And Ignorance, leads to:-
2. The Developement of the Six Senses Media (Salayatana)
The eye,ear, nose,tongue, the body and the mind are the six senses media. These are called the Six senses Media. The Six Sensa Media is represented in the picture by the potter making pots
And the Six Senses Media leads to:-
3. Consciousness (Vijnana)
There are six classes of consciousness, namely, eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness and intellect consciousness. Consciousness cannot exist without the organs. This is called consciousness. Consciousness is represnted by the picture of the monkey.
And Consciousness leads to:-
4. Name and Form (Rupa Nama)
Feelings, perceptions, intentions,contact and attention. These are the four names. The four great elements and the body depend on the four great elements. This is called form. Name and Form is represented by people travelling on a boat i.e samsara in the picture.
And Name and Form leads to:-
5. Fabrications (Sankhara)
These three are fabrications:- body fabrications, verbal fabrications and mental fabrications. These are called fabrications. Fabrication is represnted in the picture by the house with six windows.
And Fabrications leads to:-
6. Contact (Phassa)
The coming together of the object, the sense medium and the consciousness of the sense medium. This is called contact. Contact is represented in the picture by an embracing couple.
And Contact leads to:-
7. Feelings (Vedana)
Feeling (sensation of six form) vision, hearing, olfactory sensation, gustatory sensation and tactile sensation. These are called Feelings. Feelings is represented in the picture by the arrow piercing the eye to represent sense data piercing the senses.
And Feelings leads to :-
8. Cravings (Vedana)
There are six forms of cravings. Cravings in respect to forms, sounds, smells, tastes and touch. These are called Cravings. Cravings is represented in the picture by a man drinking beer with
empty bottles.
And cravings leads to:-
9. Clinging/Sustenance (Upadana)
There are four clinglings: sensual clingings, view clingings, practice clinging and self clingings
Clinging is represented in the picture by a person reaching for a fruit on a tree.
And clingings leads to:
10. Becoming (Bhava)
These three are becoming:- sensual becoming, form becoming and formless becoming.
Becoming is represented by a pregnant woman.
And Becoming leads to:-
11. Birth ( Jati)
Birth here is described as any coming to be or forth coming. It not only refers to birth at a begining of a lifetime, but birth as new person, getting a new position or a new status etc.
Birth here is represented in the picture by a woman in childbirth
And birth leads to:-
12. Old Age and Death
This chain comes to an end with old age and death. The karma of one sets life in motion to another life, rooted in ignorance. Old age and death is represented in the picture by an old man . The circle is closed.
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