The six realms of existence in Buddhism is sometimes referred as the six states of samsaras or the six paths of rebirth are the six types of birth beings mat have wiithin the Buddhist philosophy. Whatever state we are born into is driven by our karma, i.e. our awareness and actions from our previous lifes.
Accordingly to Buddhism, we will be reborn into these realms endless until we receive and practice the teachings, thus breaking through the cycle of rebirth to attain enlightenment.
The Realms of the Gods (Devas)
Defined by extreme bliss and pleasureable states if all levels, this realm is a similar describtion of the myth of Greek gods in Mount Olympia. However, the lives of the gods here are mortal, and a realm to practice the teachings. Beings here can become addicted to pleasure, and they become trapped, forget about working towards liberation, and they can fall to the lower levels once their good karma expires. Pride is the karmic cause for one to be reborn here.
The Realms of the Demons (Azuras)
Also pleasurable to a certain extent, this realm is however marred jealously and great envy. The male demons are also born ugly and the females ones beautiful. The males are always competiting and fighting with another for the attention of the female demons. The karmic retribution of being reborn here is getting having too much envy and jealously.
The Realms of Humans
Accordingly to Buddhism, we will be reborn into these realms endless until we receive and practice the teachings, thus breaking through the cycle of rebirth to attain enlightenment.
The Realms of the Gods (Devas)
Defined by extreme bliss and pleasureable states if all levels, this realm is a similar describtion of the myth of Greek gods in Mount Olympia. However, the lives of the gods here are mortal, and a realm to practice the teachings. Beings here can become addicted to pleasure, and they become trapped, forget about working towards liberation, and they can fall to the lower levels once their good karma expires. Pride is the karmic cause for one to be reborn here.
The Realms of the Demons (Azuras)
Also pleasurable to a certain extent, this realm is however marred jealously and great envy. The male demons are also born ugly and the females ones beautiful. The males are always competiting and fighting with another for the attention of the female demons. The karmic retribution of being reborn here is getting having too much envy and jealously.
The Realms of Humans
Here, the human realm is considered the middle realm. The Human state is able to experience both bliss and suffering. Humans can see enough sufferings for us to motivate us to seek liberation. The Devas are easily distracted by pleasure, while the lower realms are consumed by sufferings. Therefore, we can cultivate the compassion and wisdom necssary to escape from the wheel of life i.e. samsara. Humans have control over their future births, because we can influence we can influence our karma through our choices, whereas in the other realms we generally do not move into another birth until the karma that has brought us there has run its course. Cravings are the causes of rebirth in the human realm.
The Realms of Animals
Within Buddhist cosmology, the animal realm is defined by ignorance, and an inability to think for oneself. Life is one-dimensional and survival-oriented, with little free will or choice. Therefore, as animals we do not have the capacity to hear or practice the teachings, although we may show signs of past practice in our temperament, i.e. compassion or intelligence. The karmic conditions to be reborn here is to be ignorance.
The Realm of Hungry Ghost (Peta)
The Realm of Hungry Ghost (Peta)
This realm is defined by constant desire and greed. In this realm, we are so overcome by our desire for more, more, more - whether food, drink, sex, wealth, or even certain emotional states that we are consumed by it, and cannot focus on anything else. It is analogous to the state of an addict, in which getting the next 'fix' trumps all other concerns. In this state, we cannot practice the teachings because we cannot focus on anything other than our wants Being too greedy causes one to be reborn here.
The Realm of Hell (Naraka)
The Realm of Hell (Naraka)
This realm is defined by hatred and rage, and by defining all other beings as enemies. Within this realm, there is no opportunity for compassion or desire for the teachings to arise, as all our momentum goes toward fighting others, and suffering the consequences. Depictions of this realm in various Buddhist schools is very similar to those found in other religions, with fiery torments. But within Buddhist cosmology this state, like all the others, is not permanent. Instead, when the negative karma that brought us here has run out, we will be reborn into another realm, with the possibility of working towards a human birth again Anger and hatred is the karmic causes for rebirth in the hells.
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